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Shrewsbury Historical Society Museum Store
Open during museum hours of operation or by appointment.

Images of Lake Quinsigamond (Michael Perna)

Shrewsbury, Massachusetts (Michael Perna)

Godey's Paper Dolls 1860-1879 (Sun)

Victorian Fashions Coloring Book (Tierney)

Civil War Uniforms Coloring Book (Copeland)

Godey's Paper Dolls 1860-1879 (Sun)(Johnston)

Civil War Fashions Coloring Book (Tierney)

Colonial and Early America Coloring Book (Tierney)

Little Red Shoolhouse Story Book (Sloane)


Rolling Hoop (Cooperman)

Jacob's Ladder

Buzz Saw


Marbles in Cloth Bag

Spoon Doll Kit

Spoon Doll (Handmade)

Poppet Doll Kit

Poppet Doll (Handmade)


Allyn Little Print (Common)

Allyn Little Print (Shrewsbury Locations)

1859 Town of Shrewsbury Map (reprint)

Entering Shrewsbury Sign

Artemas Ward Homestead

No. 5 Schoolhouse

1830 Schoolhouse/Shrewsbury Historical Society

First Congregational Church

Quinsigamond Engine Company Fire Engine

Juniper Hall/Whittall Mansion

King Dodo's Fun House (White City Amusement Park)

Sumner House

Shoot the Chutes Ride (White City Amusement Park)


Mug (Shrewsbury Common)

Trivet (Shrewsbury Common)

Heart Canvas Bag

250th Anniversary Celebration Program

Notecards (Shrewsbury Common)

Congregational Church Pottery Jar

Paperweight (Shrewsbury Common)

Miniature Picture (Shrewsbury Common)

Mirror (Shrewsbury Common)

Notecards (No. 5 Schoolhouse)
















































The purpose and goal of the Shrewsbury Historical Society shall be to keep alive and increase interest in the history of the Town of Shrewsbury; to collect and preserve items of special value, traditions, and curiosities; to encourage general public interest in the Society's work and to maintain such personal properties and real estate that may come under the control of the Society.


Shrewsbury Historical Society

P.O. Box 641

Shrewsbury, MA 01545


© 2024 Shrewsbury Historical Society

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